Sprache: deutsch
certified by Doreen Virtue
Angel Intuitiv Therapy is a spiritual method which harmonises each area of life. It is not subordinated to a certain confession.
During a session of “Angel Intutiv Therapy” I will make contact with your angels and communicate their messages to you. Afterwards you may ask questions to your angels and I will give you their responses. Within the given timeframe you may ask as many questions as you wish.
Furthermore, you may draw three angel cards, in order to receive more information concerning your main question.
Finally, we will ask the angels for support to break or heal energy gates which bind you to others and, thus, restrict your personal life. Consequently, you should be able to continue your personal journey through life without any restrictions.
It is helpful to think about questions and issues in advance.
Date arrangement: angelsign40@gmail.com or tel. +43( 0)699 188 188 05
Bitte beachten Sie, eine Beratung via Skype oder Telefon kann erst nach eingegangener Zahlung erfolgen .
Cost: Angel Intuitiv Therapy: 90,- Euro
Dipl.Ing. Beatrix Bethke
Bach-Blüten Beraterin, IL-DO Körperkerzentrainerin, Angel-Intuitiv Therapist, Flower-Therapist, Feen-Expertin, zertifizierte Angel-Card Reader,
Meditationslehrerin, Energetische Raumreinigung